Decision making in teams

February 25, 2018 2215 No Comments

Did you ever ask yourself how to take a decision in your department ?? Is it better to take decision authoritatively or to use the participation of your subordinates ? ….. The V Room diagram gives you the answer.

  • Using this decision tree minimize the process losses.
  • It strips emotions & impulse out of the decision making
  • More objective decisions
  • Subordinated conclude that the processes are fair and clear ( improves line of sight )


  • A1 : manager makes the decision alone using the current available information , the most authoritarian , boss centered style
  • A2 : manager seeks information from subordinates then makes a decision . Employees may be aware of the problem or may be not before the manager’s decision
  • C1 : manager explains the problem to the subordinates in a one to one format then he takes the decision which may or may not reflect the ideas of subordinates
  • C2 : manager explains the problem to the subordinates in a group format then he takes the decision which may or may not reflect the ideas of subordinates
  • G2: manager explains the problem to the subordinates in a group format then the group with the manager make the decision
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